The Culinary, Medicinal and Other
Benefits of Parsley Herb

It was the medicinal and health benefits of parsley (petroselinum crispum) folks were interested in when it was first cultivated in Greece, Italy and Northern Africa at least 2,000 years ago. It was only later on that its culinary appeal was appreciated.

Today it grows almost everywhere around the globe and it has a whole host of uses in the kitchen. Chop and sprinkle on your freshly cooked vegetables. Put some raw parsley in a sandwich, or your salad, or just throw some in a soup, stew or a parsley sauce.

You can juice it or even make a tea out of the fresh or dried leaves (recipe below). Or combine it with other herbs to make a bouquet garni or fines herbes.

Click the Thumbnail Images below for much more info on this tasty healthy herb...

Growing, Cooking and the Many Parsley Benefits

Health Benefits

Parsley Tea

Growing Parsley

Info on the Plant

Cultivating Tips

Curly Parsley

Cooking With Parsley

Benefits and Storing

Just Some of the Health Benefits of Parsley

However you use it, you'll get to enjoy the health benefits...

...This humble herb has high vitamin A, vitamin C and iron content.

It's also a good source of alpha-linoleic acid, plus contains high levels of beta carotene, vitamin B12, folate, calcium and chlorophyll.

If you really want the healthiest, tastiest herb leaves, it's worth considering growing it yourself (link above).

It's fairly easy to do and you'll always have some available.

Links to Other Healthy Herbs You May Enjoy

Basil - All You Need to
Know About the 
King of Herbs!

Rosemary - Folklore,
Myths & Legends and Cooking Uses

Cilantro Herb - Info on
Growing, Using and
Health Benefits

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Homemade Herbal
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Jason Pitcher

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