Sage Essential Oil - Ideal For Massage
and Aromatherapy

Extracted from the leaves by steam, the pale straw-coloured sage essential oil is warm and spicy with a sharp smell, and is watery in texture. Unlike other herb oils, this is not taken internally.

It is a strong herb, and is inhaled through aromatherapy and applied to the skin.

Some of the Other Uses Sage Essential Oil

The best way to benefit from its healing potential is by using essential sage oil

It's usually extracted from common sage (Salvia officinalis). This is the type most often used in cooking. More on the plant.

The leaves of the sage plant often feature trichomes, or small hairs, and that is where the cells that produce the extract can be found.

For centuries, this herb and its extract have been used to help balance the body, regulating metabolism and clearing the mind...

  • ...Today, it's used in aromatherapy can help alleviate mental fatigue, and works to moderate depression
  • Another part of the body that can benefit from the extract is the skin, where its regenerative abilities can help heal old scars, treat dermatitis and erase stretch marks
  • Rubbed on the skin, it can also help encourage the digestive system, and eases nervous functions
  • You can use it in a vaporizer, as an ingredient in massage oil, or in a nice relaxing bath
  • It blends beautifully with other extracts, such as lavender, lemon and bergamot
  • There are also topical creams available with very low levels of sage essential oil for skin treatments

Note: Make sure that you are careful about diluting sage essential oil. The fragrance is powerful, and is best used in aromatherapy at one per cent or less. Do not use if pregnant, or if you have high blood pressure. As always, take medical advice if unsure. 

If You Don't Have the Oil...

...You could always grow sage herbs for use in your home cooking. 

There are 750+ varieties and the woody shrubs grow in most warm climates, with flowers ranging from mauve, purple to blue and white.

If you have a sunny spot in your garden or containers on the patio, it's quite easy and worthwhile.

See my growing page for detailed steps and advice.

Another way of enjoying sage health benefits is to brew a potent cup of sage tea from the fresh or dried leaves.

Links to Other Essential Oils and Herbs You May Like

Turmeric - The Extract From the Healthiest Spice of All!

Uses and Benefits
of Basil Extract

Culinary and Health
Uses of Oregano Oil

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